• newmarket’s #1. Asbestos Removalists
  • Residential, Commercial, and Industrial
  • 27+ Years of Experience


Asbestos is one of the most hazardous materials you can find out there. However, people have been using asbestos for construction work up until the 1980s. If you have an asbestos roofing, you are subjected to asbestos exposure. Such asbestos containing materials release tiny asbestos fibres. You cannot see these fibres with your eyes, but they will be dangerous for your good health. That’s why you need to contact an expert like HM Group for asbestos abatement. We are in a position to help you get rid of asbestos and deliver outstanding results.

At HM Group, you can discover experienced and trained technicians to remove asbestos materials. Our technicians are delivered to offer asbestos removal work without causing any disruptions to your neighborhood. Moreover, our licensed asbestos removalist service will strive to complete the job within the shortest possible time. We provide comprehensive services to remove asbestos containing materials. You can expect us to deliver a top-notch service in removing asbestos fibers, while adhering the quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.

If you are looking for a licensed asbestos removalist in Newmarket, feel free to get in touch with our team right now. HM Group can deliver all the support you need to remove asbestos from the living space.


When it comes to licensed asbestos assessors and asbestos abatement professionals, HM Group is holding a prominent place. Here are some reasons to get the services we offer.


    We adhere to health and safety measures when offering asbestos fibers removal services in Newmarket. For example, we offer the service while wearing personal protective equipment.


    We are committed to deliver quality results with our asbestos removal work. You will see how our specialists adhere to the strict quality control procedures when working with asbestos cement sheets.


    We are not just a licensed asbestos removalist company. Even if you are looking for asbestos assessors, asbestos consultants, and asbestos inspectors, you can connect with us.


    Our team can help you get rid of asbestos waste and asbestos contaminated dust form your living space. This helps us in delivering a service while ensuring 100% customer satisfaction.


Asbestos Testing

Asbestos is a harmful substance, which can lead you to severe respiratory problems. Some health issues that can take place due to asbestos inhalation include lung cancer and mesothelioma. We are capable of removing asbestos cement sheeting.

No matter how big or small your job is, we can complete it while delivering outstanding results. Then we will help you to make sure that there is no asbestos contaminated dust in your living space. This can help you breathe with peace of mind. You will also be able to ensure your protection from health problems that asbestos fibers can lead you to.

Asbestos External Wall Cladding Removal



We follow the industry-standard procedure for removing asbestos containing materials. Here’s an overview of the process we follow.

Asbestos inspection and testing

As the very first step, our licensed asbestos removalist Newmarket will conduct an asbestos inspection and testing. This is where we detect the presence of asbestos in your living space. Upon discovering the areas where asbestos is present, we will develop a safe plan to remove them.

Asbestos removal

While adhering to the asbestos removal plan, we will be removing all asbestos containing materials from your living space. During this process, we minimize the risk of asbestos cross-contamination. In other words, you don’t need to worry about asbestos exposure as we remove asbestos. We will seal off the area, so that asbestos waste cannot leak out. You or your neighbours don’t need to worry about anything.

Proper asbestos disposal

After completing the asbestos removal job, we will proceed with asbestos disposal. We do this according to the terms indicated in our asbestos removal license. We will provide you with an asbestos removal certificate as well. After removing the asbestos sheets, we will be taking them to a licensed disposal site. Hence, you don’t need to worry about the environmental impact that disposed asbestos would create.

Getting to know about the dangers of asbestos

Anyone who could deal with materials containing asbestos, such as contractors doing renovations, homeowners, and renters, has to be informed of the dangers of asbestos. Prior to the 1980s, asbestos was often utilized in construction. If breathed, asbestos is a dangerous substance that may result in serious respiratory issues, including lung cancer. Many buildings still contain asbestos-containing materials, so it’s important to understand their possible health dangers and safe handling techniques.

In general, gathering knowledge about asbestos is essential for reducing the risk of contracting asbestos-related illnesses and avoiding exposure to asbestos fibers. Working with a skilled asbestos removal firm is crucial if you want to properly detect, remove, and dispose of asbestos-containing items. These companies have the knowledge, experience, and tools to do so. If you want more information, you can connect with an asbestos removal Newmarket service provider like us.

About HM Group
Insulation Removal
Bonded Asbestos Removal
Asbestos Testing


Asbestos is a hazardous material to your health. Therefore, you must get rid of asbestos containing materials as soon as possible. Otherwise, the fibers can get into your lungs and lead you to severe respiratory problems. Unfortunately, asbestos containing materials are still present within many buildings out there.

Hence, you need to understand the risk and take appropriate measures to get rid of it. We can provide all the support that you need in removing asbestos fibres. Our asbestos removal Newmarket work can create a healthy and safe living space to you at the end of the day.


Until the 1980s, asbestos, a naturally occurring material, was often utilized in building. It is dangerous because if its fibers are breathed, they may lead to serious respiratory issues, including lung cancer.

Insulation, flooring, ceiling tiles, roofing, and pipe covers are among the many construction components that might seem to contain asbestos. Testing is the only method to determine if a substance contains asbestos.

The size of the region and the level of difficulty of the removal method determine how long it will take to remove the asbestos. During the inspection and testing phase, the asbestos removal business will decide on the timeline. We offer air monitoring services after asbestos removal.

The area will be cleaned and examined once the asbestos removal process is finished to make sure that all asbestos-containing items have been eliminated. Once the area is safe and asbestos-free, you may go forward with any restorations or building projects with confidence.

Hear What Others Have To Say


Worried about the presence of asbestos in your building?

Contact Us NOW to book Your Asbestos Removal, Consultation & Inspection in newmarket Today!

HM Group can inspect your residential, commercial, or industrial building for the presence of asbestos. Our team has 27+ years of experience and can create a detailed plan to minimise health risks and successfully remove any asbestos safely.